Lighting Advice


Lighting plays a huge role in setting the mood and functionality of any space. Here are some tips to get the most out of your lighting, whether it's at home, in a commercial space, or a restaurant:


Layering and Functionality:


  • Multiple Light Sources: Instead of relying on one overhead light, use a combination of ambient, task, and accent lighting. Ambient light provides general illumination, task lighting focuses on specific areas (like reading lamps or under-cabinet lights in a kitchen), and accent lighting highlights features or creates a mood.


  • Consider the Room's Purpose: Think about what you'll be doing in the space. In a home office, you'll need bright task lighting on your desk, while a living room might call for a warm, inviting glow. Restaurants can benefit from bright lighting in high-traffic areas and dimmed lights for a more intimate dining experience.



Choosing the Right Bulbs and Fixtures:


  • LEDs are King: LED bulbs are energy-efficient, last a long time, and come in a variety of colour temperatures (warm white, cool white, etc.) to suit the mood you're creating.


  • Dimmers for Versatility: Dimmers allow you to adjust the light level to suit the activity. This is great for creating ambience in restaurants and living rooms or adjusting task lighting for different needs.


  • Fixture Style Matters: Consider the style of the fixture to complement the overall design of your space. Pendant lights can add personality to a kitchen island, recessed lighting offers clean lines in a commercial space, and table lamps can add a cosy touch to a living room.



Natural Light:


  • Embrace Natural Light: Take advantage of natural light by maximizing window space and using translucent window treatments. Natural light is not only beneficial for mood and well-being, but it also reduces your reliance on artificial lighting.


Additional Tips:


  • Don't Forget Outdoor Lighting: Proper outdoor lighting enhances security and curb appeal for homes and businesses alike.


By following these tips and considering the specific needs of your space, you can create a lighting scheme that is both functional and aesthetically pleasing. For more in-depth advice, please do not hesitate to contact us!


Functional Lighting Design

Following the space allocation for your lighting fixtures, it's crucial to consider the different functionalities they will serve. Here's an overview of the key lighting types:


·       Ambient Lighting: This establishes the overall illumination level and atmosphere of a space. Wall sconces, flush-mount ceiling fixtures, or strategically placed chandeliers can provide ambient light. The choice of bulb type, such as warm white for a cosy feel or cool white for task areas, further refines the ambience.


·       Task Lighting: Designed to support specific activities, task lighting ensures optimal illumination for focused work. Table lamps, under-cabinet lighting in kitchens, or directional pendant lights are all examples of task lighting. Proper placement minimizes shadows and eye strain.


·       Accent Lighting: Used to draw attention to particular features within a space, accent lighting creates focal points. This could involve highlighting artwork, illuminating bookcases, or showcasing architectural details like fireplaces or alcoves. Accent lights are often brighter than ambient lighting to achieve a distinct effect.